1900 East Creek Road, Sandy, UT 84093

November 12, 2020 – Minutes

Date: Thursday, November 12, 2020

Time:  4:00 PM

Location:  Oakdale Elementary PD Room 301

November 2020 SCC Meeting Minutes

Virtual Meeting Option – Google Meet 

Members attending:  Deidre Walbeck, Sharon Rasmussen, Katie Robbins, Stephanie Larson, Greg Anjewierden, Jon Williams, Margot Bishop, Deidre Schoenfeld, Kaati Tarr, Travis Holt

Business Items

I.  Meeting minutes 
Margot made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, Stephanie seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

I.  New Member
          A. Katie Robbins
Katie will be replacing Kurt Stevens.
Travis made a motion to add Katie as a new member of the SCC, Margot seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

III.  School Safety Plan
Janelle Bailey will be the Digital Citizenship Coordinator for Oakdale and is receiving training later this month.
There will be learning experiences through Road Runner Dash before Thanksgiving and as a booth at Parent Teacher Conferences in the spring.
There will be in school training for teachers and students.

IV.  Nov 23, Switches to Learning options. Update
1st grade will be seeing the biggest impact from students returning from at home learning.  Oakdale has also had 5 brand new students in the past month.  With the number of students returning, no online teachers will be coming back to teach in person at this time.

V.  Fund Allocation
          A.  Additional iReady Lincenses
No additional technology licenses are needed at this time.
It was proposed that the Land Trust plan be amended to use $13,323.24 to hire 3 additional interventionists to help support teachers with the increased class sizes and to increase small group instruction.
Margot made a motion to amend the Land Trust plan and approve the spending, Stephanie seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

VI.  Data Review
Reviewed numbers from each grade from last year.  Unfortunately, there were only two data points instead of the normal three due to COVID-19 school closures.

VII. Next meeting: January 14, 2020

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org