“Keeping The Oakdale Promise”
Oakdale is an outstanding school. We hope to ensure each child a positive learning experience that enhances self-esteem and fosters fellowship among the parents, students, teachers, and staff. This information outlines the rules that will govern student behavior at school. Having read this information please acknowledge the attached document through the online process by marking that you have read and understand the code in the appropriate area. Thank you.
Suggestions for parents:
1. Speak positively about school, schoolwork, and teachers in front of your child. Ask questions such as what are you learning in Math today? What was the most fun thing you did today? What questions can you think of about Reading? These will often be more helpful than “How was your day?” or “What did you do today?”
2. Contact your child’s teacher immediately with questions or concerns. All staff want to work with you. Teachers will let you know their office hours and best times to contact them.
3. Please check your child’s backpack or work folder each day for notes and
4. Please, make sure that your child is at school ON TIME each day.
5. The school is not allowed to administer any medications, even an aspirin, without
written doctor approval.
6. Please call Oakdale to report all absences. Parents should come into the school
when checking a child in or out of school. Please do not check out your child after
3:00 p.m. as school dismisses at 3:30 pm.
7. Support learning and your children will follow your example
Roadrunner Rules
In Addition to the Oakdale Code of Conduct, students are required to follow Canyons District Code of Conduct at all times.
Oakdale Conduct:
1. We ask that students use assigned grade level doors when entering and exiting the school.
2. Contact games, which include tackling, shoving, or pushing, are not permitted.
3. Fighting or aggression will not be tolerated.
4. Students may not leave campus during the school day without permission.
5. Gum is not allowed.
6. Skateboards, snowboards, roller blades, skates, and motorized vehicles are not allowed at school. Bikes and scooters are acceptable forms of transportation to school. The school cannot assume responsibility for stolen or damaged bikes or scooters. The school does not have a secured bike rack. The bike owner must provide locks.
7. Students receive ongoing training on Oakdale’s school rules/expectations and are expected to follow the rules in all areas of the school to include but not limited to the classroom, hallways, cafeteria, playground, media center, KIVA, and computer lab.
8. Students may bring cell phones to school, but they are to be turned off during the school day. If students need to call home during the school day, they need to do so in the office. Cell phones that are used during class time will be taken by staff and will only be returned to a parent.
Dress Code:
Please help us maintain a proper learning environment at Oakdale by observing the
Canyons School District Dress Code.
1. Clothing or hair, which is so conspicuous, extreme or odd, in color or cut, that it may draw undue attention, disrupt, or tend to disrupt or interfere with the learning atmosphere at the school, will not be allowed.
2. Students will not be allowed to wear clothes that are mutilated, cut off or immodest such as short shorts, mini skirts, bare midriffs, halter tops, tank tops, or other similar attire.
3. In the interest of good hygiene, proper footwear, such as tennis shoes, and
sandals with straps, should be worn at all times. Slip on shoes and ‘flip-flops’
easily slip off, while running, often causing foot injury.
4. Clothing that does not reflect the dignity of learning, modesty, and principles of education are not to be work. This would include anything with vulgar words, profane or obscene slogans and advertisements for alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Girls’ pants should be the high-rise style.
5. Students are not to wear hats of any kind within the building. (Exceptions
will be allowed on special occasions).
6. Gang-related colors, clothing and paraphernalia will not be allowed in school.