1900 East Creek Road, Sandy, UT 84093

May 19, 2022 – Minutes

DATE: May 19, 2022 TIME: 4:00 PM 


SCC Meeting Minutes

Oakdale Elementary Library Room 

Members attending: Deidre, Katie, Sasha Despain, Margo, Natalie, Abigail Muller, Suzy, Greg, Amanada McDonald, Shannon, Stephanie 

Business Items 

  1. Meeting minutes Margo motioned and Jessica seconded to approve minutes from last meeting 
  2. Sasha Despain and Brett Jewkes are the new teacher representatives for SCC III. 2022-2023 Land Trust and TSSP Update 
  3. Land Trust and TSSP plan was approved 
  4. Oakdale has met our school climate goal 
  5. Students can repeat school rules, all teachers are conducting morning meetings, CEO Assemblies using the character traits each month, PBIS rewards 
  6. Attendance issues are still high 
  7. Deidre brought it to the attention of the district that there needs to be a clear policy as to what is expected for when kids are sick, 

when do they need to stay home vs coming to school 

  1. Oakdale received a grant for All Day Kindergarten starting the Fall of 2022 A. Parents can still choose to do half day, they would come in the AM and leave before lunch
  2. Katie motioned to elect Natalie Farley as President of SCC and there was an unanimous vote to elect her as President 

Next meeting: September 2022


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