1900 East Creek Road, Sandy, UT 84093

March 7, 2024 – Minutes

Meeting Minutes Oakdale SCC

Date:March 7th, 2024
Time:4:00 PMIn attendance: Brett, Sacha, Amanda, Katie, Lisa, Mauri, DiedreNext Meeting: April 11th, 2024

Amanda Motions to open the meeting. Lisa Second.

  1. Meeting Minutes – Amanda Motion to Approved. Sacha Second.
  2. Read-a-thon update 
  3. Budget Review
    1. Land Trust plan update
    2. TSSA PLan update
    3. Cell Tower fund update
    4. Reviewed and Approved Land Trust Plan for 2023-2024

      4. Reviewed projected enrollment for 2024/2025 and teacher needs.

      5. BLT plan: Have a goal of 80% of the students on or above benchmark.  As seen by: Progress monitoring, goal setting, walk throughs.  Increase math facts and word recognition.

      6. Use funds to increase school climate by investing in teachers professional development, and a possible attendance aide?

     7. Discussed possible cell phone policy amendment. Adding watches.  Proposed rewrite of Policy.

     8. Motion to adjourn the meeting, Amanda. Katie Second.

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