SCC Meeting Agenda
March 17, 2022 4:00 PM
Oakdale Elementary PD Room
Members attending: Deidre, Stephanie, Natalie, Katie, Greg, Margo, Sharon, Jessica, Suzy Business Items
Meeting minutes Stephanie motioned and Jessica seconded to approve minutes from last meeting
Review Draft of 2022-2023 Land Trust and TSSP Plans to Finalize
School Climate Goal: 80% of Oakdale students will have less than 10 absences for the 2022-2023 year.
Measure it by daily attendance submission: teachers will email parents after 2 absences in a row to offer support. After 5 days teachers will make a phone call to parents. 10 absences teachers and administration will create an attendance intervention plan.
Class points: for every 10 days the class has 90% of students attending, the class will get a Mr. Potato Head part. When Potato Head is built then class gets a reward. Classes will decide on 5 rewards that they want to earn.
Action Steps: continue with PBIS rewards and events, build your own Potato Head, educate parents about absentee problems -Include it in Back to school night, attendance newsletter, Roadrunner Dash, PTC, Oakdale website.
Use funds to get: three Tier 2 reading interventionist, provide stipends for teachers to collaborate with Wonders implementations, pay for substitutes for teams to data dive, pay substitutes for 4-5th grade teachers who need in person training for LETRS, more educational
supplies, two Tier 2 math interventionist, fund a half time counselor, class rewards, PBIS software and incentives, special events.
III. Suzy approved, Stephanie seconded motion to approve school plan
Next meeting: April 21, 2022