DATE: | Thursday, January 8, 2020 |
TIME: | 4:00 PM |
LOCATION: | Oakdale Elementary Library |
January SCC Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Greg Anjewierden, Jon Williams, Kaati Tarr, Margot Bishop, Angela Oviatt, Stephanie Larson, Lori Jones
Business Items
I. Meeting Minutes
a) Approve the meeting minutes from October and November meetings Kaati made a motion to approve November Minutes, Stephanie seconded the motion and they were approved unanimously.
October’s minutes will be found and approved next month.
Kept comments from previous year and added new applicable comments. Jon made a motion to approve the SNAP plan, Angela seconded the motion and the plan was approved unanimously.
III. School Data Report
The school has shown improvement in achievement and growth over the past 2 years. The goals seem to be on the right track.
IV. Safety Drills Held
Teachers had intruder drill in December, there will be a fire drill soon in January.
V. Budget Update
Hired Kim Morton as a reading interventionist.
It was suggested to use up to $1000 of previously unused funds allocated for interventionists for an interventionist for 4th grade for an extra 5 hours a week for 5 weeks. Kaati made a motion to approve the $1000, Stephanie seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
VI. TSSA and LandTrust plans for next year
Due to the improvement in the school scores, the reading goals and budget allocations should probably remain pretty similar for next year.
VI. Future meeting schedule to discuss TSSA and LandTrust
Most likely Lori will not be able to attend the next meeting, accommodations will be made for her to call or Skype in for the meeting.