February 9 SCC
Member Attending: Deidre, Brett, Stephanie, Jessica, Natalie, Alyssa Andrus, Amanda, Katie, Sydney
Business Items:
- School Wide Data update from January Winter Benchmark—Goal is 80%
- All grades have made good growth
- Deidre is positive that the gap can continue to close and each grade will be able to meet the 80%
- Scores
- Reading
- Math
- BOY 59%/ MOY 67%/ AVERAGE 91%
- Some grades have already met the goal so teachers will continue to meet together to maintain and push students to still see continued growth.
- Reading
- Attendance Goal
- 80% will have less than 10 absences.
- Term 1: 51% of student body has had more than 10 absences.
- Term 2: expecting an even higher percent (lots of illnesses)
- To help Deidre is amping up the Mr. Potato Head rewards and incentives
- Continue to bring awareness to parents
- Play “Ticking Time Bomb” clip during PT
- Follow up Item-BLT/ Teachers Survey
- Keep BTS music
- No theater or dance
- Open to Meet the Master, but only once a month
- More interested in Math Dashers or Lexia
- No Jr. Achievement
- The challenges teachers are facing with regards to academic achievement:
- Class sizes too large
- Want to add more teachers or interventionalist.
- How can we move money around from funds/fundraisers to find money to pay for another teacher?
- Deidre will ask district about the following questions:
- Can cell phone tower funds be used to pay for teacher salary?
- What can we do a fundraiser for? Where can we use those funds?
- Council Members
- We will accept Suzie’s resignation.
- Who is interested in filling in her spot? Discuss at next meeting who we found that is interested
- 80% will have less than 10 absences.
Next Meeting: February 23, 2023
Follow up Meeting: March 30, 2023