1900 East Creek Road, Sandy, UT 84093

February 17, 2022 – Minutes


February 17, 2022


4:00 PM


Oakdale Elementary PD Room 


SCC Meeting Agenda 

Members attending: Deidre, Natalie, Katie, Stephanie, Greg, Margot, Jessica

Business Items   

  • Meeting minutes Greg motioned and Stephanie seconded to approve minutes from last meeting
  • School Climate Goals
      1. Student behavioral problems are still trending higher than last year. Teaches are still doing morning meetings and talking about character traits and PBIS rewards will continue to help encourage positive behavior. Teaches will also participate in Professional Development to support school climate goals. 
  • After School Math Tutoring Program
      1. 62 students participating, 26% of grades 2-5 are receiving intervention. Students are enjoying the program and positive results are being noticed. 
  • Moving forward for next year
      1. Teachers will continue with:
        1. LETRS training
        2. new Wonders reading curriculum
        3. continue with Math after school tutoring
      2. Need to decrease the number of days that students are missing
        1. Deidre proposes focusing more on attendance
          1. Develop the urgency of wanting to be at school, build a climate of wanting to be at school. How can we get them to come to school more often? 
      3. Use of funding to support goals
        1. Pay for part or all of salaries for teacher and/or counselor
        2. Hire more interventionists, so there is a total of 4
        3. Continue with the after school math tutoring program
        4. Continue with LETRS training for 4-5th grades.
  • Next meeting: March 17th

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