DATE: TIME: APRIL 21, 2022, 4:00PM
Members Attending: Deidre Walbeck, Natalie Farley, Suzy Matheson, Greg Anjeweirden, Sharon Rasmussen, Stephanie Larson, Katie Robbins, Margo Bishop
Business Items:
Meeting minutes: Natalie motioned to approve and Greg seconded to approve minutes from last meeting.
Landtrust and TSSP Plan
-We are waiting on feedback and will be approved by 2 members. We should know whether it is approved by May.
-TSSP may increase a little more.Cell Tower Funds Request- $40,000 balance
-Our BTS Teacher, Marie Smith, has requested 60 mallets for her music classes at . $1,500. Stephanie motioned to approve the $1,500 for Marie. Suzy seconded the Motion.
-Deidre proposed spending $3,000 to support the teachers for teacher planning days. This would cover things like lunches on those planning days. Stephanie motioned to Approve allocating $3,000 for the teacher planning days. Suzy seconded the motion.Next Year Council Elections- send a hard copy home to students April 29 and announce
at Kindergarten Orientation
-We can have up to 9 council members total. It has to consist of more parents than faculty. Update: All need to be voting members to be on SCC, cannot add non voting board members as originally thought.
-Stephanie and Greg are happy to stay or step aside if others want to do it, but technically both just started a new 2 year term this year.
-Election ballots will be returned to the office and elections held May 4-6.
-We have one SCC spot available unless others want to step down.
-Choose next SCC chair at our next meeting on May 19, 2022 Next Meeting: May 19, 2022