1900 East Creek Road, Sandy, UT 84093

Oakdale Roadrunner Dash

August 28, 2020

Calendar of Events

  • Sept 7    Labor Day – No School
  • Sept 8      Accidence Assessment  – District Assessment (Fall, Winter, Spring)
  • Sept 9    Picture Day
  • Sept 23, 24   Parent Teacher Conference
  • Sept 23, 24   Say Boo to Flu Clinic 3:30-7:00 PM
  • Sept 24    Thursday – Early Out – for Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Sept 25   No Student day.
  • Oct 2  K-5 Trimester Midterms

Hello Oakdale Families & Friends,

WOW!  Oakdale has AMAZING students and HURRAH, our school year has begun.  Thank you so much for all your hard work this week, as I visited classrooms, students were happy to be back, engaged in work and dedication to being safe at school.   

Thank you to our Students for doing such a great job walking their bikes and scooters.  We have a few additional important reminders for next week, one I would like to highlight is to please park in designated areas for the safety of our students, using the “designated crosswalk” with an adult.  Below, please find additional important reminders to help us continue in our great start back to school.  

You’re all amazing, and it’s my pleasure to work with you and your students. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.   

It’s great to be a Roadrunner!


Deidre Walbeck

Important things to know

Parent Connection – Check this link.  Our Canyons School District Website has a parent resource page for Online and Parent-Guided learning.  You will see a variety of information, resources, wellness resources, technology tools, to contact information and more.   

Face Covering Updates

  • Face Masks  – Next week our Teachers will be sending home two cloth masks for each student in the building.   Please watch for them in your students backpack.   All masks will look the same, you may want to consider writing names on the mask or making it identifiable for your students.   
  • Students and Lanyards – Each student has been given a lanyard to attach their masks to during lunch and recess time.  We will be asking students to tuck those lanyards into their shirts as a precaution to not get caught on playground equipment.  The Lanyards we’ve provided are breakaway lanyards, but we always want to be careful.   

 How was your first week?  I’ve had many families and friends reach out to me from our community expressing concern about staying connected with Oakdale.  Whether you’re participating in “in person” or “online” or “Parent-Guided” learning you are a part of Oakdale and will still want to stay connected.  We’re looking for ideas and ways to accomplish this vision, to begin, please share a photo with us showing what your first few days of school looked like.  You can share it with us via our Oakdale Facebook page, or Padlet .  We’ll make a video of all submissions to share with our Oakdale family and friends as a start to helping us stay connected.   

Parking procedures

We need your continued help to keep our students safe during drop off and pick up times. Please follow our safety procedures for the parking lot.  All drop off and pick up lanes have been studied and designed for a reason. If these procedures are not followed, possible safety hazards for students are created. Please understand the following:

  1. We need everyone to drive slowly and carefully through the drop-off and pick-up lanes. These are the two lanes closest to the building. Do not park in areas blocked by cones. 
  2. Students and parents need to cross the parking lot in designated crosswalks.  We need adults to model this so the little ones do not get hit by a car. 
  3. Please do not block the far north lane that is for parking and drive through only.   School buses and emergency vehicles  cannot get around cars that block their paths. This causes frustration for everyone. 

Daily Symptom Checker

Establish a Back-to-School Morning Routine.   Brushed teeth? Combed hair? Temperature taken?  Check, check, check!  We are taking extra precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and are asking families to add daily temperature checks to their morning routine.   Keep children home when they have any of the follow symptoms:

  • Fever (temp. of 100.4 or higher)
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Decreased sense of taste or smell
  • Sore throat

COVID-19 Safety Precautions for a Safe School Year  

The Governor’s Office, state and local health authorities and our municipal partners have outlined specific safety procedures and precautions for reopening schools, and Canyons District has built a safety framework in line with those requirements. Below are links to a manual the District has created, which thoroughly explains the steps schools are taking and the role of families, students and employees in maintaining, safe, welcoming and prepared schools. We are asking all families to review the manual, including those with students who have signed up for Online Instruction or At-Home, Parent-Guided Instruction. PLEASE NOTE: After reviewing the manual, we ask that:

  • You sign a form acknowledging your receipt of the information and confirming that you have reviewed relevant sections with your children. The form can be downloaded and printed from the links below. 
  • Please send completed forms to school with your student or email them to your student’s teacher. 

 This is a great opportunity for families to reassure their children, talk about all that schools are doing to keep them safe, and help them feel empowered to do their part through daily temperature checks, good hand hygiene, wearing a face covering, and practicing physical distancing. Thank you for your understanding and support.  

Acknowledgement of Procedures Form: (ENGLISH | SPANISH).

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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org