In meeting: Sasha Despain, Brett Jewkes Deidre Walebeck,
Amanda McDonald, Katie Robbins, Alyssa Andrus, Natalie F.
Approve last weeks minutes
Stephanie Matton to Approve Natalie 2nd
Request for buddy bench (2)
$400 -$2,000
Cost varies Sasha researching Donors choose Perhaps buy one
with Scc are with PTA $2,000 cap phie including installation
Review annual data
4th/5th grade @81% goal met
49% still in severe/ lot absences 2nd grade @60% Comparison
last year 71. 9%
this year 79%
Counselor Utah making attendance plans-talk about Potato Head
Letter advertising SCC elections
3 spots to fill vote for SCC chain Natalie nominated Amanda McDonald as co chair. Katie Robbins seconds.
Scheduling meeting for fall September 14th, 2023
Back to school night August 17th SCC voting booth