SCC Meeting – February 1, 2024
Attendees: Deidre, Brett, Sacha, Amanda, Katie, Lisa, Alyssa, Cynthia
Next Meeting: March 7, 2024
Amanda Motions to open meeting. Alyssa Seconds.
1.Meeting Minutes – Amanda Motion to Approve. Alyssa seconds
- Budget Review
- TSSP Budget
- Starting Balance: $92, 499.34
- Jan 31- Mid year: $53, 493.51
- Talked of extending teacher aides using budget as well as supplies to support Math
- Land Trust Budget
- Starting Budget: $63, 339.17
- Jan 31- Mid year:$23,274.07
- Cell Tower Fund Update
- $56,901.64
- Data
- Discussed most recent student testing data
- Discussed correlation between students doing well in i-ready and then doing well in Rise testing
- Accadience testing for 2nd grade showed kids have progressed but not enough to get out of the “red zone.” Need to keep the trajectory going up
- Math accadience for Oakdale overall is at its goal
- Attendance Issues
- Over half the kids are at risk or severe
- Term 2- severe category doubled which is very troubling
- Feedback from Survey on TSSP and Land Trust Development for Oakdale
- Discussed feedback from teachers in the areas of ELA, Math and School Climate
- Discussed goals and focuses for ELA, Math and School Climate
- Considering Professional Development meeting re: Classroom Behavior Management
- Discussed possibly implementing monthly attendance awards that reset each month
- Cell Phone Policy – Amanda motioned to push this topic to the next meeting. Alyssa second
- Safe Route Plan
- Reviewed feedback from the district on our Safe Route Plan
- Will respond to the district with proposal to move the bus stop that is considered dangerous on Creek Road
- Elementary Planning Time Proposal
- Reviewed the different proposals to increase teachers planning time since currently elementary teachers get 2 hours less preparation time than secondary schools
- Brainboosters model is well liked and the most likely option
- Under this proposal brainboosters would be everyday and increase in time to 45 minutes. With 15 minute recess added on the end it would give teachers an hour every day to prep
- School day would need to be increased by 10 minutes to accommodate this model. Most likely would be added to end of the day with a 3:30p release time
- School Board votes on this issue on February 20
Amanda Motions to close meeting. Katie seconds.