1900 East Creek Road, Sandy, UT 84093

January 4, 2024 – Minutes

Meeting Minutes Oakdale SCC

Date: January 4, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM

In attendance: Brett, Sacha, Amanda, Katie, Lisa, Alyssa, Mauri, Diedre

Next Meeting: February 1st, 2024


Amanda Motions to open meeting. Alyssa Seconds.


  1. Meeting Minutes – Amanda Motion to Approved. Alyssa Second.
  2. Final Land Trust and TSSA Plan – Due Jan 15
  3. Budget Review
    1. Land Trust
    2. TSSA
    3. Cell Tower
  4. Upcoming School Plan for 24-25 discussion


Reviewed goal of having 80% of students at or above typical growth.  As measured by ‘pathways of progress’ and ‘reading inventory growth expected growth goals’.


The results as of the first of the year showed mixed results.  Some of the grades made the goal while others did not.  THe plan for all to encourage continued growth will be more training, coaching, observational feedback, and planning during PLC.


We have had success in learning how to carryover learning strategy between grades.


Looked at the focus on k&1 to increase to the goal of 80%.


Reviewed funding changes. Took extra for I-pads.


Reviewed the importance of school climate and how the budget is supporting that. Getting students to school with morning meetings, PBIS (potato heads), kids check in and out, meeting with parents as needed.


Reviewed i-ready growth.



  November December
Landtrust 51,601 43,535
TSSA 76,530 62,104
Cell Tower 54,807 53,000


Spoke of the need for a fundraiser for the library.  New shelves and seating.


Motion to close by Amanda.  Alyssa Second.

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