Oakdale SCC Meeting Agenda November 3, 2022
4:00 PM in the Media Center
Member Attending: Deidre Walbeck, Stephanie Larson, Natalie Farley, Jessica Beckstead, Katie Robbins, Amanda McDonald, Sasha Despain, Brett Jewkes, Cindy
2021-2022 Overall Performance, Oakdale received a grade A (67%)
ELA & Math scores decreased from previous year
Science scores increased.
Oakdale’s average is higher than district average test scores.
Reading on grade level increased (2.7% increase)
Students making typical or better progress increased (increase 14%)
We need to find ways to help English learners become proficient in their scores, scores are
below average.
202 students are on track for meeting school goal (which is 0-2.5 days missed) o Findwaystocelebratethesestudents
134 students At Risk (3 to 5.5 days missed)
56 students off track (6 to 11.5 days missed)
11 Severe students (12+ days missed)
Deidre and Gina will develop plans with parents on how to get students to come to school more regularly.
Try and find the underlining issue as to why they aren’t coming to school.
• Can we pass out gift cards etc. to help incentivize the parents to get students there
Continue to inform parents through Dash
Discuss in January again if Deidre was able to meet with all those parents to see what the underlining issue is.
Next Meeting: January 2023
Business Items:
State RISE Assessment- Grades 3-5
School Climate:
• 80% of Oakdale students need to be “On Track”, which is less than 10 absent days