DATE: May 19, 2022 TIME: 4:00 PM
SCC Meeting Minutes
Oakdale Elementary Library Room
Members attending: Deidre, Katie, Sasha Despain, Margo, Natalie, Abigail Muller, Suzy, Greg, Amanada McDonald, Shannon, Stephanie
Business Items
- Meeting minutes Margo motioned and Jessica seconded to approve minutes from last meeting
- Sasha Despain and Brett Jewkes are the new teacher representatives for SCC III. 2022-2023 Land Trust and TSSP Update
- Land Trust and TSSP plan was approved
- Oakdale has met our school climate goal
- Students can repeat school rules, all teachers are conducting morning meetings, CEO Assemblies using the character traits each month, PBIS rewards
- Attendance issues are still high
- Deidre brought it to the attention of the district that there needs to be a clear policy as to what is expected for when kids are sick,
when do they need to stay home vs coming to school
- Oakdale received a grant for All Day Kindergarten starting the Fall of 2022 A. Parents can still choose to do half day, they would come in the AM and leave before lunch
- Katie motioned to elect Natalie Farley as President of SCC and there was an unanimous vote to elect her as President
Next meeting: September 2022