1900 East Creek Road, Sandy, UT 84093

November 18, 2021 – Minutes


Thursday, November 18, 2021


4:00 PM


Oakdale Elementary PD Room


SCC Meeting Agenda

Members attending: Katie Robbins, Natalie Farley, Jessica Beckstead, Greg Anjewierden, Gina Lloyd, Sharon Rasmussen, Nellie Bailey, Margo Bishop, Stephanie Larsen, Deidre Walbeck

Business Items  

  1. Meeting minutes – 10/18/21 Amended
  2. School Safety Plan: Deidre will submit our safety plan (safe walking route-more attention to Creek Road crosswalk/parking lot-more parking lot is needed)to the District.
  3. School Climate Goal
    1. Board Decision –Board discontinued the use of Second Step. There will be a new program, from the District, implemented in the following school year. In the meantime Oakdale will use the following character traits in conjunction with the CEO each month. 
    2. Oakdale Character Traits
      1. December – Empathy
      2. January – Growth Mindset
      3. February – Kindness
      4. March – Grit/Perseverance
      5. April – Service
      6. May – Celebrate Each Other

                        Other Traits: Emotional Management


    1. Addition Tools for Staff- In January Deidre will do a reboot of school expectations (Cool Tools)
      1. Zones of Regulation- this teaches students how to regulate their emotions.
      2. PLT Videos- have PLT record videos of how to act in different scenarios to use to show the students.
      3. How can we use the community to help teach these character traits? Use guest speakers, celebrity readers, parent volunteers. 
  1. Bylaws- all in attendance agreed to the updates in the Bylaws. Deidre will submit to the State. Katie made the motion to approve, Margo seconded the motion.

Update: Elections will be held in the SCC meeting no later than June 1st.

            Deidre is waiting to hear back from the State and District regarding if we need to amend our school goal because it mentions  the program ‘Second Step’ in the goal.


  1. Next meeting:  Greg voted to cancel December SCC meeting, Stephanie seconded the motion. Next meeting will be held  January 20, 2022









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