Our attached map shows suggested walking routes for those students who attend Oakdale Elementary School. Arrows are used to indicate the suggested walking routes to school.
Students should use sidewalks whenever possible. Where sidewalks are not available, students need to walk against traffic. When walking in groups, make sure that students do not extend out into the roadway. We strongly encourage students to use a route other than Creek Road sidewalks when walking. Siesta is the advised route for students.
A crossing guard is on duty from 8:10 – 8:45 a.m. and 3:20 – 3:50 p.m. There is no noon guard. Children should only cross Creek Road with our crossing guard. Crossing guards are provided by Cottonwood Heights City. If you notice a problem, please call the school immediately at 801-826-8950.
Please use this map to indicate to your children the safest path to school. Walk the route with your children making them aware of potential hazards and ensuring that they are using safe practices. We want every child to have a safe trip to school.